Rumble — Rum ble, v. i. [OE. romblen, akin to D. rommelen, G. rumpeln, Dan. rumle; cf. Icel. rymja to roar.] 1. To make a low, heavy, continued sound; as, the thunder rumbles at a distance. [1913 Webster] In the mean while the skies gan rumble sore.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rumble — rumbler, n. rumblingly, adv. /rum beuhl/, v., rumbled, rumbling, n. v.i. 1. to make a deep, heavy, somewhat muffled, continuous sound, as thunder. 2. to move or travel with such a sound: The train rumbled on. 3. Slang. to have or take part in a… … Universalium
rumble — rum|ble1 [ˈrʌmbəl] v [Date: 1300 1400; Origin: Probably from early Dutch rommelen, from the sound] 1.) to make a series of long low sounds, especially a long distance away from you ▪ We could hear thunder rumbling in the distance. 2.) [I always + … Dictionary of contemporary English
rummeln — Vsw lärmen, toben per. Wortschatz reg. (16. Jh.), fnhd. rummel(e)n Stammwort. Lautmalenden Ursprungs wie das parallele rumpeln. Aus dem Verbum rückgebildet ist Rummel m., bezeugt seit dem 18. Jh. Ebenso nndl. rommelen. ✎ Röhrich 2 (1992),… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
rumble — (v.) late 14c., probably related to M.Du. rommelen to rumble, M.H.G. rummeln, O.N. rymja to shout, roar, all of imitative origin. The noun is attested from late 14c. Slang noun meaning gang fight is from 1946. Meaning backmost part of a carriage… … Etymology dictionary
rumble — verb 1》 make or move with a continuous deep, resonant sound. 2》 (rumble on) (of a dispute) continue in a persistent but low key way. 3》 Brit. informal discover (an illicit activity or its perpetrator): it wouldn t need a genius to rumble his… … English new terms dictionary
rumble — rum•ble [[t]ˈrʌm bəl[/t]] v. bled, bling, n. 1) to make a deep, somewhat muffled, continuous sound, as thunder 2) to move or travel with such a sound 3) sts Slang. to take part in a street fight between teenage gangs 4) to give forth or utter… … From formal English to slang
Rummel — Rummel: Der ugs. Ausdruck für »Lärm, Betrieb; Durcheinander; Jahrmarkt« gehört zu dem heute nur noch landsch. gebräuchlichen Verb rummeln »dumpf schallen, poltern« (mhd. rummeln »lärmen, poltern«, vgl. niederl. rommelen »poltern, rollen, knurren« … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
rummeln — Rummel: Der ugs. Ausdruck für »Lärm, Betrieb; Durcheinander; Jahrmarkt« gehört zu dem heute nur noch landsch. gebräuchlichen Verb rummeln »dumpf schallen, poltern« (mhd. rummeln »lärmen, poltern«, vgl. niederl. rommelen »poltern, rollen, knurren« … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
rumble — [c]/ˈrʌmbəl / (say rumbuhl) verb (rumbled, rumbling) –verb (i) 1. to make a deep, heavy, continuous, resonant sound, as thunder, etc. 2. to move, travel or be conveyed with such a sound: the train rumbled on. 3. Colloquial to take part in a fight …
rumble — ► VERB 1) make a continuous deep, resonant sound. 2) move with such a sound. 3) (rumble on) (of a dispute) continue in a low key way. 4) Brit. informal discover (an illicit activity or its perpetrator). ► NOUN 1) a continuous deep, resonant s … English terms dictionary